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Summary of literature review on environmental affects of agricultural practices


2016-09-01 15:58:51
Last Update
2016-09-01 15:58:51


Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Kasey J Hutchinson(Principal Investigator), LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers LCC data manager(Point of Contact), Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Cooperator/Partner), 2016-09-01(creation), 2016-09-01(lastUpdate), Summary of literature review on environmental affects of agricultural practices


Researchers with U.S. Geological Survey Water Science Centers in Iowa, Kansas and Massachusetts collaborated to conduct a comprehensive literature search of both published and ongoing research (2000-present) that sheds light on the interactions between climate change, agriculture and water quality across the combined geographies of the Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers LCC and neighboring Upper Midwest and Great Lakes LCC. Project investigators compiled the information in a resource library by geographic location, providing an organized structure for future examination of all research related to interactions between climate change, agriculture and water quality in these two regions.


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“Environmental Affects of agricultural practices, literature review”
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  • Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal

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