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Evaluating Current Projects to Inform Future Development of Actionable Science in the Northwest

Developmental Evaluation of the NW CSC: Evaluation for Learning and Innovation in Actionable Science for Climate Adaptation
Principal Investigator
Alison Meadow


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The impacts of climate change are already being observed and felt in our ecosystems and communities. Land and resource managers, planners, and decision-makers are looking for the best scientific information to guide their decisions about adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change now and in the future. A major goal of the Northwest Climate Science Center (CSC) and the CSC network as a whole is the development of “actionable science”, or scientific information that can be easily used by managers and planners to inform these important decisions. However, the current community of researchers and decision-makers are in need of guidance about the best ways to work together and the activities or strategies that are most effective [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Alison Meadow
Co-Investigator :
Tamara Wall
Funding Agency :
Northwest CSC
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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“Olympic National Park - Credit: Alan Cressler”
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Project Summary The impacts of climate change are already being observed in our ecosystems and communities. Decision makers at all scales are looking for the best scientific information to guide their decisions about adapting to and mitigating the negative effects of climate change. Development of actionable science – scientific information that can be easily used to inform these decisions – is the goal of the Northwest Climate Science Center (NW CSC) and the CSC network as a whole. There is evidence that when researchers and resource managers (or other decision makers) collaborate to find answers to questions about climate change impacts, the decision makers are more likely to trust the information and use it to inform their decisions. However, we as a community of climate researchers and decision makers are still looking for guidance about the best ways to work together – what activities, practices, or strategies are most effective in building trusting relationships and result in credible science that is applicable to key resource management decisions. And, as resource managers ask for more climate information that directly informs their decisions, we need to create more organizations that can support these efforts. We can use what we learn about developing actionable climate science in individual projects to inform the way we structure climate service provider organizations. We have developed a framework for the evaluation of collaboratively produced climate science that specifically addresses the process of producing and outcomes of actionable science. We examine factors such as when resource managers become engaged in the research process, how and when researchers and resource managers communicate and collaborate through the project, and the variety of ways findings from the research are used (or not) by resource managers at the end of the project. We propose to apply the framework to a sample of 10-12 projects funded by the NW CSC to identify barriers to the production and use of actionable climate science as well as practices that are associated with its successful production and use. We will then build on that framework to explore the role of the climate service or boundary organizations in the development of actionable science – in this case, the NW CSC.

Project Extension

typeTechnical Summary
valueThe impacts of climate change are already being observed in our ecosystems and communities. Decision makers at all scales are looking for the best scientific information to guide their decisions about adapting to and mitigating the negative effects of climate change. Development of actionable science – scientific information that can be easily used to inform these decisions – is the goal of the Northwest Climate Science Center (NW CSC) and the CSC network as a whole. There is evidence that more collaborative forms of knowledge development and exchange between researchers and decision makers (and between policy makers and the public), sometimes called co-production of knowledge, tend to produce information that is more trusted (Cash et al. 2006), considered more usable (Carbone and Dow 2005; Jasanoff and Wynne 1998; Lemos et al. 2012), and lead to higher-quality decisions about environmental management (Beierle 2002). As a community of climate researchers, we still lack a clear understanding of the specific practices or activities that are most effective in promoting co-production of knowledge (Fazey et al. 2014; Meadow et al. 2015; Reed et al. 2014); whether other paths to actionable climate science exist and are usable in the network; and we require more information and guidance on how to structure programs around the production of actionable science, which requires a different approach to research and reward systems than the standard academic model. We have developed a framework for the evaluation of collaboratively produced climate science that specifically addresses the process of producing and outcomes of actionable science. We examine factors such as when resource managers become engaged in the research process, how and when researchers and resource managers communicate and collaborate through the project, and the variety of ways findings from the research are used (or not) by resource managers at the end of the project. We propose to apply the framework to a sample of 10-12 projects funded by the NW CSC to identify barriers to the production and use of actionable climate science as well as practices that are associated with its successful production and use. We will then build on that framework to explore the role of the climate service or boundary organizations in the development of actionable science – in this case, the NW CSC.

Budget Extension

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Olympic National Park - Credit: Alan Cressler
Olympic National Park - Credit: Alan Cressler


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ScienceBase WMS


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Northwest CASC

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Type Scheme Key
RegistrationUUID NCCWSC 8614c1b8-1d93-47c7-b57e-1661580f8102
StampID NCCWSC NW16-MA0693

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