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North Pacific Nearshore Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Access Databases 09/1981-12/2009


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USGS Western Fisheries Research Center and US EPA Western Ecology Division, Pacific Coastal Ecology Branch, 201011, North Pacific Nearshore Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Access Databases 09/1981-12/2009: U.S. Geological Survey.


The Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data of the nearshore region of the North Pacific show temperature ranges in degrees C using points whose locations correspond to the centroids of AVHRR Pathfinder version 5 monthly, global, 4 km data set (PFSST V50). The pathfinder rasters are available from the Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC), hosted by NASA JPL. The data points in this dataset lie within a 20 km buffer from the GSHHS (Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline) coastline. The GSHHS vector data are available from the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC). Furthermore, each point in the SST dataset is categorized by the ecoregion in which it is located. This classification is [...]


Attached Files

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“fig. 3”
thumbnail 107.39 KB image/jpeg
“Cold Temperate Northeast Pacific”
590.04 MB application/x-msaccess

“Cold Temperate Northwest Pacific”
1.82 GB application/x-msaccess

“Warm Temperate Northeast Pacific”
1.09 GB application/x-msaccess
“Warm Temperate Northwest Pacific”
454.96 MB application/x-msaccess


The North Pacific nearshore temperature dataset was developed for the purpose of examining SST values and patterns recorded since 1981 at a moderate resolution. Moreover these data are offered in a format intended to facilitate their use between biogeographers and ecologists examining the effects of climate change in coastal regions.

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