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Endangered Freshwater Mussel Declines in the Clinch River: An in situ Assessment of Water Quality Stressors in the Watershed


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Cope, W.G. and J.W. Jones. 2016. Recent precipitous declines of endangered freshwater mussels in the Clinch River: An in situ assessment of water quality stressors related to energy development and other land-use. Final completion report submitted to B. Evans and S. Alexander U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


The overall goal of this SSP project was to evaluate the exposure and toxicological effects of contaminant stressors in the water and sediment of the Clinch River in areas of high mussel decline in Virginia and in areas of high abundance and recruitment in Virginia and Tennessee. The investigation also included an assessment of major tributary streams with varied histories of degradation, recovery and disturbance. The specific objectives of this project were to: 1. Integrate existing data sets on mussel populations, NPDES discharges, mining and other energy permitted activities, pesticide use, and land use. 2. Using passive sampling devices, measure water concentrations of a suite of polar and non-polar organic contaminants, including [...]


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This SSP project evaluated the exposure and toxicological effects of contaminant stressors in the water and sediment of the Clinch River in areas of high mussel decline in Virginia and in areas of high abundance and recruitment in Virginia and Tennessee.


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