When evaluating resource tradeoffs, natural resource planners, field staff, and socioeconomic analysts often require economic value estimates and other information related to resources that are not priced in conventional markets. Benefit Transfer is one methodological approach used to estimate the economic value of those non-market goods and services. Benefit Transfer uses value estimates of non-market goods and services reported in previously conducted primary studies to estimate the value of that same good or service in a policy-relevant area where a primary study has not been conducted. The Benefit Transfer Toolkit is designed to facilitate the economic valuation of multiple recreation uses and other ecosystem services using [...]
When evaluating resource tradeoffs, natural resource planners, field staff, and socioeconomic analysts often require economic value estimates and other information related to resources that are not priced in conventional markets. Benefit Transfer is one methodological approach used to estimate the economic value of those non-market goods and services. Benefit Transfer uses value estimates of non-market goods and services reported in previously conducted primary studies to estimate the value of that same good or service in a policy-relevant area where a primary study has not been conducted.
The Benefit Transfer Toolkit is designed to facilitate the economic valuation of multiple recreation uses and other ecosystem services using secondary data. The web-based Toolkit includes spreadsheet-based databases of non-market valuation studies, average value tables, and meta-regression analysis models that can be used to conduct various types of benefit transfer. It allows resource planners and managers to incorporate non-market values into their planning and decision-making without spending the time and money necessary to obtain original data.
The databases provided in this Toolkit currently contain references and detailed information from 463 primary nonmarket valuation studies conducted in the United States through the year 2014, with a total of 2,860 value estimates. Databases can be sorted alphabetically by author, location, and valuation method, and numerically by data year and economic value estimate. In addition, the information provided in the databases and average value tables can be downloaded in a CSV format. The information provided in this Toolkit can be used in literature reviews, qualitative descriptions of nonmarket values, and benefit transfers.
FY15 Accomplishments
Began preliminary regressions for meta-analysis;
Improved the functionality and user-experience of the Toolkit’s website interface;
Augmentation/additions to the Benefit Transfer Toolkits reference databases and interactive calculator;
Improved user interface design;
FY 16 Accomplishments
Expanded databases to include water-based recreation;
Reviewed existing literature on water-based recreation activities, coded study attributes and results into a database;
Improved user experience of the Toolkit’s website;
Creation of the mapping feature that displays the location of each study, general details of the study and its value estimate;
Developed a series of factsheets that give descriptive statistics on each recreation database, provide average value estimates by region, and briefly explain nonmarket valuation and the mechanics of the Benefit Transfer Toolkit.
FY17 Objectives
Expand the capabilities and functionality of the toolkit to include nonmarket values for salmon and water quality;
Expand the user base of the Toolkit, develope outreach strategies for regional and local planners;
Explore partnering agency and resource managers interest for instructional classes on how to use the Benefit Transfer Toolkit to estimate nonmarket values;.