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Crystal Rock and Trib. 104 Histogram and Sewershed Data Release


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Sparkman, S.A., 2017, Crystal Rock and Trib. 104 Histogram and Sewershed Data, 2016, Montgomery County, MD: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Stormwater runoff and associated pollutants from urban areas in the greater Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW) impair local streams and downstream ecosystems, despite urbanized land comprising only 7% of the CBW area. More recently, stormwater best management practices (BMPs) have been implemented in a low impact development (LID) manner to treat stormwater runoff closer to its source. This approach included the development of a novel BMP model to compare traditional and LID design, pioneering the use of comprehensively digitized storm sewer infrastructure and BMP design connectivity with spatial patterns in a geographic information system at the watershed scale. The goal was to compare total watershed pollutant removal efficiency in two [...]

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Author :
Stephanie A Sparkman
USGS Mission Area :
SDC Data Owner :
Eastern Geographic Science Center

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Material Request Instructions

Data release includes files/output data: 1) the watershed histograms and 2) mean pollutant removals in the sewersheds.
Input/calibrants data used in themodel are described in the manuscript (as mentioned in the below:
-BMP Name and Type: references in the manuscript
-BMP Connectivity: Proprietary (derived from Montgomery County GIS Data)
-BMP Drainage Areas: Proprietary (derived from Montgomery County GIS Data)
-BMP Efficiency Ranges: referenced in manuscript
-Baseline Pollutant Loadings: referenced in manuscript
Data received by Montgomery County, Maryland, Department of Environmental Protection is proprietary and data access requests can be directed to Stephanie Sparkman,


Montgomery County, Maryland Department of Environmetnal Protection USGS Eastern Geographic Science Center


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  • Eastern Geographic Science Center

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The data release includes files/output data: 1) the watershed histograms and 2) mean pollutant removals in the sewersheds. The "input/calibrants" data used in the model (Monte Carlo) include: -BMP Name and Type: references in the manuscript -BMP Connectivity: Proprietary (derived from Montgomery County GIS Data) -BMP Drainage Areas: Proprietary (derived from Montgomery County GIS Data) -BMP Efficiency Ranges: referenced in manuscript -Baseline Pollutant Loadings: referenced in manuscript all model input data/calibrants for the model are described in the manuscript (as mentioned in the list above)

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DOI doi:10.5066/F7MS3QX2

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