Collection of 4 assessments for Upland Streams and Rivers. The Condition Index ranks stream segments according to how well they meet the Desired State described qualitatively and quantitatively in the draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). From the Condition Index, 3 assessments are derived that rank opportunities for management and restoration of conditions included in the Condition Index – Watershed Land Use, Riparian Cover, and Stream Meander. Watershed Land Use management opportunities are based on the proportion of undisturbed land in the contributing (i.e. cumulative) watershed such that stream segments meeting the Desired State are considered Maintenance opportunities (values 5-6). Those that do not meet the Desired State are considered Restoration Opportunities (values1-4). Similarly, Riparian management opportunities are based on the proportion of forest within the riparian border (100-m) such that stream segments meeting the Desired State are considered Maintenance opportunities (values 5-6). Those that do not meet the Desired State are considered Restoration Opportunities (values1-4). Finally, Meander management opportunities are based on the sinuosity of the stream segment such that segments meeting the Desired State are considered Maintenance opportunities (values 5-6). Those that do not meet the Desired State are considered Restoration Opportunities (values1-4). For all 3 types of management opportunity, ranks are increased within the Maintenance & Restoration classes by information on existing partner interest (i.e. stated priority areas), elevated risk of change by 2060, and predicted occupancy of a majority of species identified in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). Please see PDF file in the Upland Streams and Rivers folder in the Blueprint Gallery at for a full description of the process used to build the indices.