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Summary drainage basin and low-flow characteristics in gaged Hawaii streams and summary rainfall projections for the late 21st century and associated changes in low flows and usable habitat for native stream fauna in gaged and ungaged Maui, HI streams


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Maoya Bassiouni, 2016, Summary drainage basin and low-flow characteristics in gaged Hawaii streams and summary rainfall projections for the late 21st century and associated changes in low flows and usable habitat for native stream fauna in gaged and ungaged Maui, HI streams: .


The spreadsheets associated with this metadata file represent: (Tab 1) Streamflow and drainage basin characteristics of selected gaged steams in Hawaii used to develop statistical models to estimate surface-water availability during low flow conditions and for varying rainfall conditions. For gaged streams on Maui, two sets of projected rainfall conditions for the late 21st century and associated estimates of changes in low flows and usable habitat for native stream fauna are also provided. (Tab 2) Drainage basin characteristics of ungaged streams on Maui used to apply the statistical models, two sets of projected rainfall conditions for the late 21st century, and associated estimates of changes in low flows and usable stream habitat. [...]


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The data in this spreadsheet were determined as part of a study to evaluate climate change impacts on low flows in ungaged Hawaii streams as described in Bassiouni et al. (in press). Tabular data for selected gaged streams in Hawaii and ungaged Maui streams are associated with the development and application of statistical models to estimate of changes in low flows and stream habitat in response to a range of downscaled rainfall projections for the late 21st century. This study improves understanding of how changes in rainfall may affect surface-water availability and habitat for native stream fauna. The proposed approach uses a parsimonious model appropriate for regional climate-change impact assessments given the available data and uncertainty in climate projections. Results are useful for developing adaptive management strategies for surface water.



  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Pacific Islands CASC

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DOI doi:10.5066/F7TH8JV3

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