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South Atlantic aquatic barrier assessment


2017-01-25 16:44:56
Last Update
2017-07-06 21:18:33
Start Date
End Date
Start Date
2013-08-30 04:00:00
End Date
2015-08-30 04:00:00


Nathan Nibbelink(Principal Investigator), Duncan Elkins(Principal Investigator), Rua Mordecai(Cooperator/Partner), South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), 2017-01-25(creation), 2017-07-06(lastUpdate), 2013-08-30(Start), 2015-08-30(End), South Atlantic aquatic barrier assessment


There are myriad barriers to aquatic connectivity beyond dams, with culverts at road crossings primary among them. UGA will lead the effort to develop a database of these non-dam blockages and model the likelihood that each is a barrier to fish movement, including mussel hosts. This process, described in more detail below, will result in a GIS point layer with numeric attributes that describe the likelihood that any given crossing is a blockage to fish passage. This data will be incorporated into the dam database to produce a database of all known and potential barriers in the region. This unified database will form the unit of analysis for the subsequent connectivity assessment in which each of the barriers will be assessed for its [...]


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Project Extension

typeShort Project Description
valueThere are myriad barriers to aquatic connectivity beyond dams, with culverts at road crossings primary among them. UGA will lead the effort to develop a database of these non-dam blockages and model the likelihood that each is a barrier to fish movement, including mussel hosts. This process, described in more detail below, will result in a GIS point layer with numeric attributes that describe the likelihood that any given crossing is a blockage to fish passage. This data will be incorporated into the dam database to produce a database of all known and potential barriers in the region. This unified database will form the unit of analysis for the subsequent connectivity assessment in which each of the barriers will be assessed for its [...]
projectStatusIn Progress

Budget Extension

recipientUniversity of Georgia
sourceU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative



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