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Monitoring Alaska Stream and Lake Temperatures to Understand Future Conditions

Western Alaska Coastal Hazards and Stream and Lake Monitoring


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Water is a key resource in Alaska: Although it comprises 17 percent of the country’s land area, Alaska contains more than 40 percent of the United States’ surface water. Climate changes are anticipated to greatly impact water processes (hydrology), including water temperature and seasonal precipitation patterns and amounts. Understanding the likely impacts of climate change on hydrology is an important first step toward understanding consequent impacts on natural and human communities. The purpose of this project was to assist with the development of a coordinated state-wide approach for monitoring temperature in streams and lakes. This process was guided by the recommendations of a workshop involving hydrologists, fisheries biologists, [...]

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“Alaska Mountain Range and Lake. Credit: John Mosesso, USGS”
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“Steep Creek, Juneau, Alaska. Credit: Teresa Haugh, USFS”
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Coastal hazards, such as storm surges, erosion, and flooding, as well as coastal, stream, and lake processes, are very important factors that influence ecosystems in western Alaska. An analysis of coastal hazards and a monitoring program of streams and lakes are needed to provide a better understanding of how climate change will impact this region. This project will be implemented as a joint effort among the Alaska Climate Science Center (AK CSC), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative (WALCC). Science activities include the development of conceptual models of coastal processes and climate impacts in western Alaska and the production of a research-needs assessment that will guide WALCC and AK CSC efforts. The project also aims to model the relationship between stream and lake characteristics and ecosystem impacts and provide recommendations for the design and implementation of a stream and lake monitoring program for the Alaska region.

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Steep Creek, Juneau, Alaska. Credit: Teresa Haugh, USFS
Steep Creek, Juneau, Alaska. Credit: Teresa Haugh, USFS


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  • Alaska CASC
  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers

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