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Final Report: Modeling and Predicting Future Changes in Snowfall and Snow Cover in Alaska


Final Report: Modeling and Predicting Future Changes in Snowfall and Snow Cover in Alaska: .


Snow conditions are extremely important to a wide range of hydrologic and ecosystem components and processes, including those related to surface energy and moisture stores and fluxes, vegetation, mammals, birds, and fish. The required snow datasets currently do not exist at the required spatial and temporal resolutions needed by end users such as scientists, land managers, and policy makers.

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To hold a workshop attended by ecologists, biologists, and geophysicists from a range of agencies and universities in order to define the weather and snow information they require to successfully do their jobs and/or enhance thei r monitoring and research programs. Dr. Liston will use this information to custom - code his meteorological - and snow - evolution models to ingest appropriate datasets and to produce the required outputs; all with the goal of producing spatial maps of climate - and snow - related variables, for the past 30+ years, for northern Alaska that can be used in a wide range of climate, hydrologic, and ecosystem applications of interest to scientists, land managers, and policy makers.


  • Alaska CASC
  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers

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