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Lethal and sub-lethal responses of native freshwater mussels exposed to granular Bayluscide®, a sea lamprey larvicide: Data


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Newton, T., and Boogaard, M., 2016, Lethal and sub-lethal responses of native freshwater mussels exposed to granular Bayluscide®, a sea lamprey larvicide: Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The invasive sea lamprey poses a substantial threat to fish communities in the Great Lakes. Efforts to control sea lamprey populations typically involve treating tributary streams with lampricides on a recurring cycle. Elevated densities of sea lampreys in the aquatic corridor between Lakes Huron and Erie prompted managers to propose a treatment using Bayluscide®—a granular lampricide formulation that targets larval sea lamprey that reside in sediments. However, there was concern over the potential for adverse effects of this treatment on native freshwater mussels—imperiled animals that also reside in sediments. We estimated the risk of mortality and sub-lethal effects among eight species of adult and sub-adult mussels exposed to Bayluscide® [...]


Point of Contact :
Teresa Newton
Originator :
Teresa Newton, Michael A Boogaard
Metadata Contact :
Teresa Newton
SDC Data Owner :
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
USGS Mission Area :
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

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bayer_tox_data_final_2016.csv 778.89 KB text/csv
exposure_tank_water_quality_final_2016.csv 2.18 KB text/csv
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recovery_tank_water_quality_final_2016.csv 9.64 KB text/csv


To estimate the risk of mortality and sub-lethal effects as a function of exposure duration among adult and sub-adult mussel species exposed to environmentally-relevant concentrations of Bayluscide®.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F77W69FK

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