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Mapping and modeling annual probability of year-round streamflow, 2004-2016: A case study in the Pacific Northwest




To improve understanding of streamflow permanence in the Pacific Northwest, we have developed a method for predicting the annual probability of year-round streamflow at 30-meter intervals. The approach involves collecting and processing nearly 24,000 streamflow observations into “wet” or “dry” values, and synchronizing them with 291 predictor datasets that represent physical (one-time values) and climatic (monthly or annual values) conditions associated with the upstream area for each 30-meter point along streams in the Pacific Northwest. Both of these datasets are among the first of their kind and shed light on the scientific opportunities that ‘Big Data’ techniques allow for. The predictive models developed from this effort for the [...]


Point of Contact :
Roy Sando
Funding Agency :
Northwest CSC

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Northwest CASC

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