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Rapid Assessment Method for Wildlife Issues at Potential Wind Power Sites


2017-04-18 15:30:38
Last Update
2017-10-30 13:34:29
Start Date
End Date
Start Date
2011-01-03 19:16:23
End Date
2013-09-30 18:16:23


Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center(Principal Investigator), Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Plains & Prairie Potholes LCC Data Manager(Point of Contact), LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), 2017-04-18(creation), 2017-10-30(lastUpdate), 2011-03(Start), 2013-12(End), Rapid Assessment Method for Wildlife Issues at Potential Wind Power Sites


A strategy has been suggested for developing regionally specific Rapid Assessment Methods (RAMs) to evaluate wildlife-related issues associated with wind development at specific sites. The RAMs are anticipated to be appropriate for use in situations identified as Tier 1 (preliminary evaluation or screening of potential sites) by the Federal Advisory Committee to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. A Rapid Assessment Methodology specifically for the U.S. portion of Bird Conservation Region 11, the Prairie Pothole Region, has been developed as a pilot test of the strategy. It has been reviewed by several individuals familiar with the wildlife issues of the region. Discussions are underway regarding integrating the RAM methodology into [...]


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Project Extension

typeShort Project Description
valueA strategy has been suggested for developing regionally specific Rapid Assessment Methods (RAMs) to evaluate wildlife-related issues associated with wind development at specific sites. The RAMs are anticipated to be appropriate for use in situations identified as Tier 1 (preliminary evaluation or screening of potential sites) by the Federal Advisory Committee to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. A Rapid Assessment Methodology specifically for the U.S. portion of Bird Conservation Region 11, the Prairie Pothole Region, has been developed as a pilot test of the strategy. It has been reviewed by several individuals familiar with the wildlife issues of the region. Discussions are underway regarding integrating the RAM methodology into [...]
projectStatusIn Progress

Budget Extension

recipientNorthern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
sourceU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Spatial Services

ScienceBase WMS


  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative



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