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Continuous temperature measurements to assess upstream connection of off-channel features of the middle and upper Willamette River, Oregon, Summer, 2016


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Mangano, J.F., Smith, C.D., Buccola, N.L., and Piatt, D.R., 2018, Continuous temperature measurements to assess upstream connection of off-channel features of the middle and upper Willamette River, Oregon, Summer, 2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Temperature loggers were placed on the ground (n=4) and hung in the air (n=2) near the upstream connection point of four Willamette River off-channel features (side channels and alcoves) to assess timing and discharge conditions when these four off-channel features were inundated at the upstream end with flow from the main channel. Temperature readings indicate that the upstream end of an off-channel feature is inundated when the ground temperature sensor does not match nearby air temperature readings, indicating the ground sensor is submerged by river water. Temperature loggers were installed from late May through mid-November, 2016, when discharge of the Willamette River was between approximately 5,500 and 45,000 cubic feet per second [...]


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Temperature loggers were deployed to better understand the timing and duration of surface water connectivity between off-channel features and the main channel of the Willamtte River flowing into these features from the upstream end. Data collected by USGS in 2016 indicate that water quality conditions in off-channel features vary, depending on volume and persistence of surface water connections between off-channel features and well-mixed main-channel water.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F73T9FPK

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