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Extending ScienceCache to Accommodate Broader Use within USGS: Project Overview


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ScienceCache was originally developed as a mobile device data collection application for a citizen science project. ScienceCache communicates with a centralized database that facilitates near-real-time use of collected data that enhances efficiency of data collection in the field. We improved ScienceCache by creating a flexible, reliable platform that reduces effort required to set up a survey and manage incoming data. Now, ScienceCache can be easily adapted for citizen science projects as well as restricted to specific users for private internal research. We improved scEdit, a web application interface, to allow for creation of more-complex data collection forms and survey routes to support scientific studies. Surveys are deployed [...]


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ScienceCache_Poster_CDIwkshp_2017.pdf 520.52 KB application/pdf


  • Community for Data Integration (CDI)




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