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USGS Dynamical Downscaled Regional Climate - V1.0/A2 Emission Scenario/Daily/Northern Rocky Mountains/MPI ECHAM5


2017-06-22 20:17:14
Last Update
2017-06-22 20:19:05
Start Date
End Date


LCC Network Data Steward(administrator), U.S. Geological Survey(publisher), Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Steven W Hostetler(Originator), 2017-06-22(creation), 2017-06-22(lastUpdate), 1968-01-01(Start), 2069-12-31(End), USGS Dynamical Downscaled Regional Climate - V1.0/A2 Emission Scenario/Daily/Northern Rocky Mountains/MPI ECHAM5


We have completed an array of high-resolution simulations of present and future climate over Western North America (WNA) and Eastern North America (ENA) by dynamically downscaling global climate simulations using a regional climate model, RegCM3. The simulations are intended to provide long time series of internally consistent surface and atmospheric variables for use in climate-related research. In addition to providing high-resolution weather and climate data for the past, present, and future, we have developed an integrated data flow and methodology for processing, summarizing, viewing, and delivering the climate datasets to a wide range of potential users. Our simulations were run over 50- and 15-kilometer model grids in an attempt [...]


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md_metadata.json 22.72 KB application/json
RegCM3_Daily_nrm_EH5.txt 4.76 KB text/plain

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All model datasets are freely available and are intended for further climate-related scientific research. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.

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