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Synthesis of high and low marsh habitat mapping, vulnerability and responses to sea-level rise in the South Atlantic region


2017-07-06 16:01:08
Last Update
2017-09-08 13:59:23
Start Date
End Date
Start Date
2012-09-01 04:00:00
End Date
2014-08-31 04:00:00


Tom Allen(Principal Investigator), Jim Morris(Co-Investigator), JP Walsh(Co-Investigator), Clark Alexander(Co-Investigator), Rua Mordecai(Cooperator/Partner), South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), 2017-07-06(creation), 2017-09-08(lastUpdate), 2012-09-01(Start), 2014-08-31(End), Synthesis of high and low marsh habitat mapping, vulnerability and responses to sea-level rise in the South Atlantic region


Marshes are a critical habitat for a diversity of fauna and the ecological functioning of the coast. Despite their renowned vulnerability, uncertainty of wetland responses to sea-level rise remains a pervasive concern in coastal science and management, particularly for coastal resource conservation and climate change adaptation. Inventorying and mapping marsh dynamics have emerged as high priorities for assessing regional vulnerability to sea-level rise, requiring synthesis of existing marsh habitat maps, improved methodology for their continual monitoring, and assessment of their vulnerability with modeling and analysis. Multispectral remote sensing (balloon-, airplane- and satellite-based), LiDAR, NWI wetland mapping, and newly available [...]

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Project Extension

typeShort Project Description
valueMarshes are a critical habitat for a diversity of fauna and the ecological functioning of the coast. Despite their renowned vulnerability, uncertainty of wetland responses to sea-level rise remains a pervasive concern in coastal science and management, particularly for coastal resource conservation and climate change adaptation. Inventorying and mapping marsh dynamics have emerged as high priorities for assessing regional vulnerability to sea-level rise, requiring synthesis of existing marsh habitat maps, improved methodology for their continual monitoring, and assessment of their vulnerability with modeling and analysis. Multispectral remote sensing (balloon-, airplane- and satellite-based), LiDAR, NWI wetland mapping, and newly available [...]
projectStatusIn Progress

Budget Extension

recipientEast Carolina University
sourceU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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File Identifier file identifier 595e5ec4e4b0d1f9f05702d9

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