This data set shows the portion of PFLCC's Priority Resource: Freshwater Forested Wetlands that is currently labelled as 'Verified Impaired Water Body' by the State of Florida DEP. Because it takes so much data and time to remove a body from the Verified Impaired List, this data set will not be used as a Conservation Target to indicate water quality within Freshwater Forested Wetlands. PFLCC Staff are seeking additional data sources that could provide that information.
This data set shows the portion of PFLCC's Priority Resource: Freshwater Forested Wetlands that is currently labelled as 'Verified Impaired Water Body' by the State of Florida DEP. Because it takes so much data and time to remove a body from the Verified Impaired List, this data set will not be used as a Conservation Target to indicate water quality within Freshwater Forested Wetlands. PFLCC Staff are seeking additional data sources that could provide that information.