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Conserving Important Habitat for Amphibians and Other Wildlife: Compilation of Vernal Pool Mapping Efforts Across the North Atlantic Region


2017-08-18 11:41:43
Last Update
2017-08-20 10:57:16
Start Date
End Date


Steven Faccio(Principal Investigator), University of Vermont(Cooperator/Partner), High Branch Conservation Services(Cooperator/Partner), Northeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation(Cooperator/Partner), North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(funder), 2017-08-18(creation), 2017-08-20(lastUpdate), 2014-01-01(Start), 2015-12-01(End), Conserving Important Habitat for Amphibians and Other Wildlife: Compilation of Vernal Pool Mapping Efforts Across the North Atlantic Region,,


Vernal or seasonal pools are small, temporary bodies of water that can serve as critical habitat for frogs, salamanders, reptiles, invertebrates, and other species. The first step in developing effective conservation strategies for vernal pools and associated wildlife species is to know where on the landscape these small wetlands exist. Although several several states and organizations in the Northeast region have initiated coordinated vernal pool mapping projects, this information has never been assembled in one place. Currently, the Vernal Pool Data Cooperative (VPDC) consists of over 60,000 vernal pool locations submitted by cooperators representing ten states and two Canadian provinces from Virginia to Quebec’s Gaspe Peninsula. [...]


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Vernal pools are small, temporary bodies of water that can serve as critical habitat for frogs, salamanders, reptiles, invertebrates, and other species. This project compiled a comprehensive GIS dataset of known and potential vernal pool locations in the North Atlantic region, reviewing vernal pool mapping approaches, and demonstrating a remote sensing method to identify potential vernal pool sites.

Project Extension

typeShort Project Description
valueVernal or seasonal pools are small, temporary bodies of water that can serve as critical habitat for frogs, salamanders, reptiles, invertebrates, and other species. The first step in developing effective conservation strategies for vernal pools and associated wildlife species is to know where on the landscape these small wetlands exist. Although several several states and organizations in the Northeast region have initiated coordinated vernal pool mapping projects, this information has never been assembled in one place. Currently, the Vernal Pool Data Cooperative (VPDC) consists of over 60,000 vernal pool locations submitted by cooperators representing ten states and two Canadian provinces from Virginia to Quebec’s Gaspe Peninsula. [...]
projectStatusIn Progress

Budget Extension

recipientVermont Center for Ecostudies

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gov.sciencebase.catalog 5996d277e4b0b589267bb959

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