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WildLinks 2013

Summary Report: A Workshop Of The Cascadia Partner Forum




WildLinks is a conference comprised of a unique collection of stakeholders. Members of this gathering have come together out of the need for a communal approach to addressing priority ecological and environmental issues in the Pacific Northwest. WildLinks was initiated by Conservation Northwest, originating in an organic manner. The catalyst of this meeting is a need for discussions about the interconnectedness of our landscape and of individual research and conservation efforts within it. These discussions allow for knowledgeable individuals from a range of backgrounds to collaborate across borders and disciplines on priority issues at a scale that matches the problems at hand.


Author :
Jon Bepple
Principal Investigator :
Jen Watkins

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WildLinks_2013_Final_JBepple.pdf 5.38 MB application/pdf


  • Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal

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Cascadia Partner Forum; Great Northern LCC; North Pacific LCC

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