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Webinar: Northwest Basin and Range Landscape Conservation Project Identifying shared landscape values


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Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Thomas Miewald(Principal Investigator), Levi Old(Co-Investigator), Thomas Miewald(Cooperator/Partner), Todd Hopkins(Cooperator/Partner), Levi Old(Cooperator/Partner), Webinar: Northwest Basin and Range Landscape Conservation Project Identifying shared landscape values,


The goal of the Northwest Basin and Range (NWBR) Synthesis project is to synthesize existing landscape planning and science and develop a shared conservation vision for stakeholders in the region. This webinar provides an overview of the NWBR Synthesis’ work to identify shared conservation priorities, including: - The Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation framework - How the NWBR is using the framework to synthesize current landscape planning and science - How experts will vet this process


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