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Open Pine Habitat: Desired Ecological States Provided by Managed Forests


2017-10-25 19:37:47
Last Update
2017-10-25 19:37:47
Start Date
2014-05-01 05:00:00
End Date
2016-03-02 05:59:59


Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Ray Iglay(Principal Investigator), 2017-10-25(creation), 2017-10-25(lastUpdate), Open Pine Habitat: Desired Ecological States Provided by Managed Forests


This project will evaluate the extent to which planted pine can provide Desired Ecological States for wildlife species using literature review and meta-analyses. Based on this review, harvest scheduling software (HabPlan) will be used to simulate a variety of management options across a 50-year time span to quantify the availability of Desired Ecological States over the course of each simulation and to identify options for providing open pine conditions in managed forests of theGulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks region.


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md_metadata.json 20.77 KB application/json
GCPO Project Final Report 03 31 2016.doc
“Managed Pine Project Final Report”
88.5 KB application/msword


  • Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal

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