Static occupations of tidal and geodetic benchmarks in Western Alaska were undertaken in the summers of 2013 and 2014. Project accomplishments far exceeded the proposed project objective of obtaining and sharing data for benchmarks in 8 different communities; in total, this work has resulted in the occupation of 44 benchmarks in 15 different communities. 32 of these datasets met National Geodetic Survey (NGS) minimum criteria for ‘shared solutions’ and have been uploaded to the Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) shared public database. This data has also been used to augment the tidal datum conversion database at the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) and the scientific geodetic database at the University of Alaska Fairbanks – Geophysical Institute (UAF-GI). At this time, the results from this project are already in use to support geodetic research at UAF-GI and a preliminary model for tectonic vertical velocity in Western Alaska is now available.