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Final report for ​​The role of sea ice berm formation to alter environmental marine forcing in West Alaska coastal communities


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LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Karen A Murphy(administrator), David Atkinson, PhD(Principal Investigator), Hajo Eicken(Cooperator/Partner), Craig Gerlach(Cooperator/Partner), Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative(funder), 2015-02-10(Publication), Final report for ​​The role of sea ice berm formation to alter environmental marine forcing in West Alaska coastal communities,,


This project engaged several Western Alaska coastal communities to describe types and formation processes associated with near-shore sea-ice phenomena during the fall freeze-up season, in particular as relevant to coastal erosion, flooding, and shoreline protection. Commentary and indigenous and local observations were drawn from and analyzed through existing community observing programs (SIZONet and ANTHC-LEO) as well as from new interviews and meetings conducted for this project. Extensive work was performed to summarize, assess, and synthesize written and recorded observations and commentary. A primary result was identification of a range of slush-ice berm events that could be broadly categorized as “advective” or “in-situ”. The [...]


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