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In-situ incubation of light-and-dark bottles for the estimation of phytoplankton productivity in Caño Boquerón, Cabo Rojo and Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico


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Gómez-Fragoso, J.M., and Santiago-Saez, J.A., 2018, In-situ incubation of light-and-dark bottles for the estimation of phytoplankton productivity in Caño Boquerón, Cabo Rojo and Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset contains measurements of dissolved oxygen concentrations collected at Caño Boquerón in Cabo Rojo, and Puerto Mosquito, Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico. The method consists of in-situ incubation of two light-and-dark bottles for approximately four hours. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were determined using the Winkler method. A total of twelve monthly in-situ incubations were conducted from July 2015 to July 2016. For each bottle incubated, two or three titrations were conducted and an average of the DO calculations is presented.


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The purpose of the dataset is to determine dissolved oxygen concentrations and ultimately, net changes in the concentration of dissolved oxygen by comparing dissolved oxygen in light and dark bottles with the initial bottle (which was fixed to avoid dissolved oxygen changes). The investigation involves two lagoons, each one representing coastal waters under disturbed (Caño Boquerón) and undisturbed (Puerto Mosquito) conditions. Phytoplankton primary productivity and community primary productivity were assessed in the study. Both components used dissolved oxygen measurements as an indicator of primary production and were evaluated on the basis that community primary productivity (primary production measured for the entire aquatic system (Thomaz and others, 2001)] minus phytoplankton primary productivity [primary production measured in water column) equals the primary productivity of the benthos organisms (e.g. periphyton, and macrophytes). See references: (1) Soler-López, L.R., Santos, C.R., 2010, Selected Hydrologic, Water-Quality, Biological, and Sedimentation Characteristics of Laguna Grande, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, March 2007-February 2009: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5071, 51p., and (2) Thomaz, S.M., Enrich-Prast, A., Goncalves Jr., J.F, Dos Santos, A.M., and Esteves, F. A., 2001, Metabolism and Gaseous Exchanges in Two Coastal Lagoons from the Río de Janeiro with Distinct Limnological Characteristics. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Vol. 44, N4: pp. 433-438, December 2001, ISSN 1516-8913) for further details.

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