Representatives from the PPP LCC, PPJV, federal, state and NGO conservation organizationswill convene in Bismarck, North Dakota to systematically and explicitly define the grassland andwetland conservation situation/context, including direct and indirect threats to grasslands andwetlands, as well as current and potential actions, including conservation easements, that can betaken to reduce threats. Additionally, participants will consider how the grassland and wetlandconservation easements fit within the Service’s broader efforts to achieve social impact (e.g.,increased public engagement in conservation and support for the USFWS mission). Through theprocess of conducting a situation analysis, and developing a conceptual model based on theanalysis, workshop participants will identify assumptions and hypotheses about how actions willhelp achieve the conservation easement program’s goals and objectives in North Dakota.Information gained from this workshop will be useful for use in other states in addition to NorthDakota.