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Final Report: Identifying Best Agricultural Management Practices for Maintaining Soil Health and Sustainability Under Changing Climate Conditions


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Zak J., 2017, Initiating the Development of Regional Demonstration Fields for Implementing Soil Practices That Maximize Soil Health and Drought Resilience: Understanding Microbial-Temperature Dynamics.


While we collect and monitor soil temperatures within natural and managed ecosystems across the Southern High Plains (SHP), we do not have a clear understanding of how soil temperature parameters are linked to ecosystem services, soil health and sustainability under increasing climate variability and increasing drought severity. Understanding how management decisions will either create positive or negative feedback loops with respect to soil temperature dynamics may be critical for developing sound conservation and soil management practices. As much of the SHP is privately owned and is managed either under intensive row cropping systems, any drought mitigation efforts and practices that influence and promote soil health and carbon [...]


Author :
John Zak

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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • South Central CASC

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