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Public-Supply Water Use in 2010 and Projections of Use to 2030 by County and Grand Division in Tennessee


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Robinson, J.A., 2023, Public-Supply Water Use in 2010 and Projections of Use to 2030 by County and Grand Division in Tennessee: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Reliable information concerning where water is used, how water is used, the quantity of water used, and changes in water use over time is key in making informed water-resources management decisions. Although projections of water-use estimates are subject to a variety of contingencies, ranging from natural disasters such as droughts and floods to economic booms or disruptions, they provide a basis for planners to evaluate the adequacy of water resources to meet future needs. During 2007, the State of Tennessee experienced a drought that limited water supply to several of the utility systems. As a result, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Water [...]


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

Public-supply Water Use in 2010 and Projections of Use in 2020 and 2030 by County in Tennessee.csv
“CSV file Public Supply in 2010 and Projections of Use in 2020 and 2030 by County”
13.84 KB text/csv
Water-use for Public-supply Water Systems in 2010 in Tennessee.csv
“CSV file Public Supply in 2010 by system in Tennessee”
68.36 KB text/csv
Raw Public-supply Water-use Data from the 2010 Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Water System Survey.csv
“CSV file Raw Public-supply Data 2010”
63.17 KB text/csv
Demographics and Public-supply Water Use in 2010 in Tennessee.csv
“CSV file Demographics and Public-supply Water Use in 2010 in Tennessee”
64.17 KB text/csv
Public-supply Water Use in 2010 and Projections of Use in 2020 and 2030 by System in Tennessee.csv
“CSV file Public Supply in 2010 and Projections of Use in 2020 and 2030 by System”
70.58 KB text/csv
Data Release Photograph.JPG
“Cumberland River at Nashville, Tennessee”
thumbnail 3.65 MB image/jpeg


This data release supports the United States Geological Survey Scientific Investigation Report "Public-Supply Water Use in Tennessee, 2010, and Projections of Use, 2020 and 2030" and provides water-use estimates for 2010 along with water-use trends and projections in 10-year increments through 2030 for the counties and grand divisions across Tennessee. The dataset also includes estimated water use for public water supply that is projected in 10-year increments through 2030 based on population projections by county and grand division.
Cumberland River at Nashville, Tennessee
Cumberland River at Nashville, Tennessee



  • USGS Data Release Products
  • USGS Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center



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DOI doi:10.5066/F77S7N07

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