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Assessing the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Piping Plovers at Assateague Island, Virginia and Maryland

Final Report


2018-01-08 17:46:27
Last Update
2018-01-08 17:46:27
Publication Date
2015-03-09 04:00:00


Sarah Karpanty(Principal Investigator), North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), 2018-01-08(creation), 2018-01-08(lastUpdate), 2015-03-09(Publication), Assessing the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Piping Plovers at Assateague Island, Virginia and Maryland


The purpose of this project was to provide biologists and managers along the Atlantic coast with tools to predict the effects of accelerating sealevel rise on the distribution of piping plover breeding habitat, to test those predictions, and to feed results back into the modeling framework to improve predictive capabilities. Our goals were to provide short-term (i.e., over project life) results related to the effects of sea level rise on piping plover breeding habitat at Assateague Island and to use these results to ultimately (i.e., longer term, during and beyond project life) inform a coastwide assessment of threats from sea-level rise and related habitat conservation recommendations that can be implemented by land managers and inform [...]


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Gieder et al. 2014A Bayesian network approach to predicting nest presence of the federally-threatened piping plover.pdf
“A Bayesian network approach to predicting nest presence of the federally...”
1.54 MB application/pdf
Assessing the Impacts of SLR on PIPL_Final Bookmarked PDF Report_121914_revised20150309.pdf
“Assessing the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Piping Plovers at Assateague...”
9.82 MB application/pdf


  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative

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