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Monthly Time Series of Precipitation, Air Temperature, and Net Radiation for 2,673 Gaged River Basins Worldwide


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Kam, Jonghun, Milly, P.C.D., and Dunne, K.A., 2018, Monthly Time Series of Precipitation, Air Temperature, and Net Radiation for 2,673 Gaged River Basins Worldwide: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This is the first of two datasets containing derived data necessary to reproduce the results of the associated journal article: "On the Sensitivity of Annual Streamflow to Air Temperature." This first dataset contains basic basin characteristics of 2,673 gaged basins worldwide, along with associated monthly time series of basin-mean precipitation, air temperature, and net radiation. The streamflow data themselves are available directly from the Global Runoff Data Centre. From the inventory of discharge data holdings of the Global Runoff Data Centre, 2,673 stream gages were selected for which (1) at least 25 complete calendar years of monthly data overlapped in time with available climate data; (2) 500-m-resolution basin shapefiles [...]


Point of Contact :
Jonghun Kam, University of Alabama
Originator :
Jonghun Kam, P.C.D. Milly, Krista A. Dunne
Metadata Contact :
P.C.D. Milly
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
National Research Program
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources

Attached Files

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Stream_gaging_ME_-USGS-.jpg thumbnail 32.97 KB image/jpeg
MON_T_CRU_19012015.csv 18.14 MB text/csv
MON_P_GPCC_19012013.csv 18.34 MB text/csv
MON_Rn_19842007.csv 3.98 MB text/csv
MON_P_CRU_19012015.csv 18.48 MB text/csv


The purpose of the dataset is to support subsequent computations aiming to quantify the sensitivity of streamflow to air temperature at 2,673 gages around the world and to evaluate a theory for predicting that sensitivity.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F7SJ1JVG

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