40Ar/39Ar data, Alaska Highway corridor from Delta Junction to Canada border, parts of Mount Hayes, Tanacross, and Nabesna quadrangles, Alaska
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Solie, D.N., Layer, P.W., Werdon, M.B., Newberry, R.J., Freeman, L.K., and Lessard, R.R., 2013, 40Ar/39Ar data, Alaska Highway corridor from Delta Junction to Canada border, parts of Mount Hayes, Tanacross, and Nabesna quadrangles, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, http://dx.doi.org/10.14509/26841.
40Ar/39Ar analyses of igneous rocks from the Alaska Highway corridor between Delta Junction and the Canada border show a range of Cretaceous ages from about 68 Ma to about 112 Ma. The 25 samples fall into two broad age groups. The younger group ranges from about 68 Ma to 73 Ma; the older group ranges from a minimum age of about 84 Ma to about 103 Ma. One sample, a mafic dike, yielded an older age of about 112 Ma.
40Ar/39Ar analyses of igneous rocks from the Alaska Highway corridor between Delta Junction and the Canada border show a range of Cretaceous ages from about 68 Ma to about 112 Ma. The 25 samples fall into two broad age groups. The younger group ranges from about 68 Ma to 73 Ma; the older group ranges from a minimum age of about 84 Ma to about 103 Ma. One sample, a mafic dike, yielded an older age of about 112 Ma.
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) personnel collected rock samples while mapping the bedrock geology along the Alaska Highway corridor between Delta Junction and the Canada border. The purpose of this DGGS Raw Data File is to present the 40Ar/39Ar results of samples that were selected for age dating and make them available for use to the public. This data release is one component of a multi-year DGGS project studying the geology, geohazards and resources along the proposed gas pipeline corridor.