Supplementary Datafile 1: Weather, ET, NDVI, and Snow-off Data for Study Blocks for the Paper on "Challenges in complementing Data from Ground-based Sensors with Satellite-derived Products to measure Ecological Changes in Relation to Climate"
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Gallant, A.L., 2018, Data files supporting the paper titled "Complementing data from ground-based sensors with satellite-derived products to measure ecological changes in relation to climate – lessons from temperate wetland-upland landscapes": U.S. Geological Survey data release,
This file includes satellite sensor-derived data on evapotranspiration, vegetation response (normalized difference vegetation index), and snow and weather-station data used to derive weekly growing degree units and total precipitation used in analyses described in the paper, "Challenges in complementing data from ground-based sensors with satellite-derived products to measure ecological changes in relation to climate – lessons from temperate wetland-upland landscapes."
This file includes satellite sensor-derived data on evapotranspiration, vegetation response (normalized difference vegetation index), and snow and weather-station data used to derive weekly growing degree units and total precipitation used in analyses described in the paper, "Challenges in complementing data from ground-based sensors with satellite-derived products to measure ecological changes in relation to climate – lessons from temperate wetland-upland landscapes."
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Type: Related Primary Publication
Gallant, Alisa L.; Sadinski, Walt; Brown, Jesslyn F.; Senay, Gabriel B.; Roth, Mark F. 2018. "Challenges in Complementing Data from Ground-Based Sensors with Satellite-Derived Products to Measure Ecological Changes in Relation to Climate—Lessons from Temperate Wetland-Upland Landscapes." Sensors 18, no. 3: 880.
These data were compiled to study associations of vegetation response and evapotranspiration activity with weather variables on precipitation, duration of snow presence, and air temperatures.