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Sampling locations for occurrence of natural nest cavities in montane ohia trees in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park


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Judge, S.W. and Camp, R.J., 2018, HAVO Montane Ohia Diameter and Cavity Data 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


We quantified the availability of breeding habitat of the endangered Hawaii Akepa (Loxops coccineus). The species is thought to nest excusively in natural cavities within mature ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) trees but birds commonly occur in short stature trees that presumably do not have any natural cavities because of their polyploidal (many-branched) structure. To test this hypothesis we searched for cavities in trees where akepa forage and we measured diameter of each stem of each tree examined. The habitat is in montane areas of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on Mauna Loa volcano.We surveyed 57 plots, 49 in montane woodland and 8 in closed-canopy forest. Six tree cavities were detected in the 214 sampled trees: five cavities [...]


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HAVO Montane Ohia Tree DBH and Cavity Locations.csv 1.59 KB text/csv


The endangered Hawaii Akepa nests in natural cavities in mature old-growth native ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) trees, but the species was commonly detected in short stature ohia that presumably have fewer cavities. We quantified the occurrence of natural cavities in short stature ohia trees in montane woodland to assess the potential for nesting habitat for the Hawaii Akepa. This CSV provides coordinates to identify the sampling locations.



  • Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center



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