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The use of crowdsourced and georeferenced photography to aid in visual resource planning and conservation


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Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Point of Contact), LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), The use of crowdsourced and georeferenced photography to aid in visual resource planning and conservation,


The advent of Web 2.0 and the growth of social media platforms have fostered an environment for the documentation and sharing of landscape imagery. In addition to looking at the site scale, using these big data allows for visual landscape assessment at the regional scale. The onset of Marcellus shale gas development in the state of Pennsylvania concurrent with the rapidly widening availability of crowd-sourced citizen photography has provided a valuable opportunity to study crowdsourced and georeferenced photography as an aid in visual resource conservation design and planning. As Trombulak and Baldwin (2010) outline, the goals for this work include identifying spatially explicit measures of change in the landscape, being able to predict [...]


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md_metadata.json 38.32 KB application/json
Goldberg et al Use of crowdsourced geocoded photography in VR planning FINAL.pdf 1.36 MB application/pdf


  • Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal

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urn:uuid urn:uuid 5eb5f87f-703a-4e4f-82b5-074bc60d3974

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