Didier Masson, French aviator, and M. Blanceneu. El Cayo, British Honduras. 1923.
Date Taken
Album caption: Didier Masson, left, one of the original fliers in the famous Lafayette Escadrille, a group composed of French aviators as well as those from allied countries in World War I. M. Blanceneau is also French. Both men are associated in chicle gathering contracts. Chicle is the gum of the sapote tree and is the principal ingredient in making chewing gum. Photo taken at El Cayo. British Honduras. February 1923. Note: British Honduras was renamed Belize in June 1973. No index card.
Album caption: Didier Masson, left, one of the original fliers in the famous Lafayette Escadrille, a group composed of French aviators as well as those from allied countries in World War I. M. Blanceneau is also French. Both men are associated in chicle gathering contracts. Chicle is the gum of the sapote tree and is the principal ingredient in making chewing gum. Photo taken at El Cayo. British Honduras. February 1923.
Note: British Honduras was renamed Belize in June 1973.
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Available in the U.S. Geological Survey Denver Library Photographic Collection, Kilmartin, J.O. Collection.
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