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Final Report: Validation of NEXRAD data and models of bird migration stopover sites in the Northeast U.S.


2018-04-26 13:07:40
Last Update
2018-04-26 13:09:03
2017-08-15 13:11:15


North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Jeffrey Buler(Principal Investigator), 2018-04-26(creation), 2018-04-26(lastUpdate), 2017-08-15(Received), Final Report: Validation of NEXRAD data and models of bird migration stopover sites in the Northeast U.S.


Final Report of the NALCC funded project “Identifying Important Migratory Landbird Stopover Sites in the Northeast”.The national network of weather surveillance radars (NEXRAD) detects birds in flight,and has proven to be a useful remote-sensing tool for ornithological study. We used datacollected during Fall 2008 to 2014 by 16 NEXRAD and four terminal Doppler weather radars(TDWR) in the northeastern U.S. to map and study the spatial distribution of landbirds shortlyafter they leave daytime stopover sites to embark on nocturnal migratory flights. Given observedvariability in the precise timing of migratory exodus, we developed a new method to sample theonset of migration at the point of maximum rate of increase in bird densities aloft [...]


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USFWS Final_report NE Stopover Habitat 2017.pdf 10.58 MB application/pdf


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  • North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative

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