Habitat and fish assemblages along four river mainstems in Ontario, Canada, 1997 to 2001, Petawawa River Spatial Data
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Carl, L.M., Sparks-Jackson, B.L., Munn, S.T., Esselman, P.C., and Wilson, C.C., 2021, Habitat and fish assemblages along four river mainstems in Ontario, Canada, 1997 to 2001, with supporting spatial data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9L1AYLW.
This dataset includes two folders of spatial data associated with the Petawawa River. The folder Petawawa_River includes five files: 1) The portion of the Ontario Integrated Hydrology Dataset Enchanced Watercouse in the river watershed, 2) the location of the study sites, 3) the delineated valley segments on the river mainstem, 4) the valley segment boundary locations, and 5) the watershed outline boundary. The folder Petawawa_SiteCAT includes the upstream catchment area for each study site.
This dataset includes two folders of spatial data associated with the Petawawa River. The folder Petawawa_River includes five files: 1) The portion of the Ontario Integrated Hydrology Dataset Enchanced Watercouse in the river watershed, 2) the location of the study sites, 3) the delineated valley segments on the river mainstem, 4) the valley segment boundary locations, and 5) the watershed outline boundary. The folder Petawawa_SiteCAT includes the upstream catchment area for each study site.
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Petawawa_SupportingSpatialData_20210128.xml Original FGDC Metadata
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8.94 MB
These data are provided to facilitate future use and analyses of the Ontario Rivers dataset. For example, the site catchment files can be used to summarize additional catchment data for the study sites.