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Final Report: Assessing the Vulnerability of Dryland Ecosystems to Drought in the Western U.S.


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Seth M Munson, 2018-08, Final Report: Assessing the Vulnerability of Dryland Ecosystems to Drought in the Western U.S.: .


Managers of public lands in the western U.S. face enormous challenges under recent warmer, drier conditions that are expected to worsen. This enhanced aridity can lead to permanent degradation of wildlife habitat and ecological services upon which humans depend. To help managers confront these challenges, our project used a network of vegetation monitoring data that managers already collect from the ground and air (satellite imagery) with climate conditions to determine which types of habitat are vulnerable to drought and elevated temperatures, what habitat changes may occur, and where across the landscape these changes will be most pronounced. We employed new assessment tools to determine how soils, topography, and other landscape [...]


Author :
Seth M Munson

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  • National CASC
  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers

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