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HEC-RAS Model for flood-inundation maps for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek at Ithaca, New York


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Nystrom, E.A., Lilienthal, A.G., and Coon, W.F., 2018, Geospatial dataset of flood-inundation maps for Cayuga Inlet, Sixmile Creek, Cascadilla Creek, and Fall Creek at Ithaca, New York: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Flood profiles for the stream reaches were computed by combining a one-dimensional step-backwater model for the stream channels and a two-dimensional model for the overbank areas. The resulting hydraulic model was calibrated by using water-surface profiles from five observed storm events. The model was then used to compute 15 water-surface profiles for 5 flood frequencies (50- , 10- , 2- , 1- , and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities, or 2- , 10- , 50- , 100- , and 500-year recurrence intervals) and 3 lake levels (representing average conditions, a 2-year-high condition, and a 100-year-high condition). The geographic information system flood-extent polygons, depth grids, and water surface elevation grids generated using this [...]


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The availability of these maps will provide emergency management personnel and residents with information that is critical for flood-management planning, flood-response activities, and postflood recovery efforts.

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