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ICE! Ice Jam Hazard Mobile-Friendly Website


Ice jams are a major hazard. The project team worked with the US Army Corps of Engineers, National Weather Service, Silver Jackets, and USGS stakeholders to develop a mobile-friendly prototype of an Ice Jam Hazard website and reporting system. The prototype shows how ice jam conditions can be recorded nationwide. The public can view and download ice jam information. Historic ice jam locations and frequencies, as well as potentially hazardous developing ice jams, are valuable data. Given the science, modeling, and hazard warning potential provided by this data, continued development of this system is widely supported. The prototype system consists of an Angular-Material framework javascript client hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) [...]


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“Screen capture of the mobile user interface for the Ice Jams system.”
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Screen capture of the mobile user interface for the Ice Jams system.
Screen capture of the mobile user interface for the Ice Jams system.


  • Community for Data Integration (CDI)



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