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Point-Source Nutrient Loads to Streams of the Conterminous United States, 2012


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Skinner, K.D., and Wise, D., 2019, Point-Source Nutrient Loads to Streams of the Conterminous United States, 2012: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed a spatial water-quality model called SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) to estimate the major sources and environmental factors that affect the long-term supply, transport, and fate of contaminants in the Nation’s streams. The SPARROW model relates in-stream water-quality data to spatially referenced characteristics of watersheds, including contaminant sources and factors influencing terrestrial and aquatic transport. Based on SPARROW modeling, one of the main nutrient sources to streams is point-source facilities such as municipal waste-water treatment plants that discharge directly to streams. This dataset was developed to assist with SPARROW models developed [...]


Point of Contact :
Kenneth D Skinner, Northwest Region
Process Contact :
Kenneth D Skinner, Daniel Wise
Originator :
Kenneth D Skinner, Daniel Wise
Metadata Contact :
Kenneth D Skinner, Northwest Region
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
SDC Data Owner :
Idaho Water Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

DMR.csv 3.17 MB text/csv
Facilities.csv 1.96 MB text/csv
Flow.csv 9.19 MB text/csv
National_Medians.csv 14.72 KB text/csv
Rubin_TPC.csv 17.12 KB text/csv
sic_codes.csv 39.98 KB text/csv
State_Expansion.csv 11.14 KB text/csv
flowsic.csv 172.09 KB text/csv
flowsicsea.csv 682.52 KB text/csv
load_summary_by_discharger.csv 910.67 KB text/csv
load_summary_by12Month.csv 17.29 MB text/csv
load_summary_byMonth_lt34.csv 845.7 KB text/csv
load_summary_bySeason.csv 1.11 MB text/csv
pacific_hatcheries_production_2012_nawqa.csv 26.86 KB text/csv
sic.csv 57.98 KB text/csv
PntSrc_SPARROW.jpg thumbnail 464.1 KB image/jpeg
Original FGDC Metadata

163.98 KB application/fgdc+xml


The datasets were used to estimate total phosphorous and total nitrogen loads for all major point-source facilities and minor waste-water treatment facilities discharging to streams in the conterminous United States during 2012. The point-source datasets will be used as nutrient inputs to regional SPARROW models representing 2012 conditions.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9PYVPFT

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