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Survival and drifting patterns of grass carp eggs and larvae in response to interactions with flow and sediment in a laboratory flume


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Prada, A.F., George, A.E., Stahlschmidt, B.H., Chapman, D.C., and Tinoco, R.O., 2018, Survival and drifting patterns of grass carp eggs and larvae in response to interactions with flow and sediment in a laboratory flume: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to better understand the behavior of grass carp eggs and larvae in moving water in order to develop and implement new strategies for control and prediction of their dispersal and drift at early life stages. Settling velocity and density of a representative sample of eggs were estimated, and three trials of flume experiments with different flow conditions were conducted with live eggs in a temperature-controlled setting with a mobile sediment bed. In these trials, egg and larval stages were continuously analyzed over periods of 80 hours; and eggs and larvae interactions with the flow and sediment bed were monitored and characterized qualitatively and quantitatively. Survival rates were [...]


Attached Files

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Flow Conditions.txt 5.06 KB text/plain
Hrzt Travel Speeds.txt 1.24 KB text/plain
Settling Column.txt 2.36 KB text/plain
Survival.txt 126 Bytes text/plain
Swim Angles.txt 6.22 KB text/plain
Trajectories.txt 6.58 KB text/plain
Vert Travel Speeds.txt 836 Bytes text/plain
Vertical Distributions.txt 395.21 KB text/plain
Metadata-Survival and drifting patterns of grass carp eggs and larvae i.xml
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48.76 KB application/fgdc+xml


To support FluEgg model and make explicit behavior of eggs and larvae within moving water.



  • Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9ZCMK0J

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