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Electromagnetic induction imaging (EMI) geophysical data collected in the Scott M. Matheson Wetlands Preserve near Moab, Utah


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Briggs, M.A., Nelson, N.C., Gardner, P.M., and Lane, J.W., 2018, Electrical geophysical data collected in the Scott M. Matheson Wetlands Preserve near Moab, Utah: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The electrical conductivity of the earth is used to help infer lithological and pore fluid properties. Various geophysical methods can provide estimates of the distribution of below ground electrical conductivity, with each method having certain limitations. This data release presents raw and processed results from land-based and water-based frequency domain electromagnetic induction imaging (EMI) data collected from March 31 to April 2, 2015. Data were primarily collected by walking throughout the wetland and riparian zones with the GEM-2 instrument (Geophex, Ltd.) at approximately 1 m off the ground in horizontal coplanar (ski flat) mode. A survey along a section of the Colorado River in a kayak was also collected (with approximate [...]


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Electromagnetic induction data were used to map landscape scale variations in subsurface electrical conductivity to infer discharge flowpaths of relatively fresh groundwater to the Colorado River that are embedded in natural brine groundwater.

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