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Panoramic view of Chugach Mountains taken from foot slope of Anthracite Ridge about one mile east of Lynch Brothers northeastern location. Matanuska district, Cook Inlet region, Alaska. 1932.


Date Taken


Album caption (62-64): Panorama view of Chugach Mts. taken from foot slope of Anthracite Ridge about one mile east of Lynch Bros. northeastern location. Lynch Bros. southeastern location shows in bottom center foreground of no. 134. View looks south. Alaska. June 10, 1932. Album caption (64): Panorama with 62 and 63. Alaska. Index card (62-64 Panorama): Panoramic view of Chugach Mountains taken from foot slope of Anthracite Ridge about one mile east of Lynch Brothers northeastern location. Lynch Brothers southeastern location shows in bottom center foreground of photo number 64. View looks south. Matanuska district, Cook Inlet region, Alaska. June 10, 1932. Note: Forms panorama with dpa00062 and dpa00063.


Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey
Photographer :
Davison, P.A.

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Available in the U.S. Geological Survey, Denver Library Photographic Collection, Davison, P.A. Collection.


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