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Digital Elevation Model of Glen Canyon Prior to the Flooding of Lake Powell from Historic Topographic Surveys, Utah and Arizona


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Root, J.C., Hynek, S.A., DiViesti, D.N., and Gushue, T.M., 2019, Digital Elevation Model of Glen Canyon Prior to the Flooding of Lake Powell from Historic Topographic Surveys, Utah and Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Development of a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the pre-Glen Canyon Dam topography in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah and Arizona was initiated to assist the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in its Lake Powell coring program in the fall of 2018 ( Topographic surveys of Glen Canyon were commissioned by the Bureau of Reclamation during the planning stages for Lake Powell as part of the Colorado River Storage Project (S. 500, 1956). The Colorado River arm was surveyed by Alster and Associates, Inc. in 1958 and 1959 at a contour interval of 10-feet from the river surface at the future dam site through where the 3,750-foot contour crosses the channel [...]


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

“Browse image of pre-Lake Powell topography in Glen Canyon.”
thumbnail 2.89 MB image/jpeg
“32-bit Geotiff DEM of the pre-dam Glen Canyon topography”
876.44 MB image/geotiff
“Zipped polygon shapefile of the extents of historic contour maps”
19.83 MB application/zip


This dataset was developed to provide a high-resolution, pre-dam elevation model of Lake Powell for historic record and study support purposes. Its primary function was to help determine coring locations that would include sediments and metals associated with the 2015 Gold King Mine release in the San Juan River delta in Lake Powell.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9368XHU

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