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Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog (Rana boylii) Monitoring and Assessment Data from the Trinity River, California (2013-2017)


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Snover, M.L. and Adams, M.J., 2019, Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog (Rana boylii) Monitoring and Assessment Data from the Trinity River, California (2013-2017): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


A key objective of the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP) is maintaining and enhancing other wildlife populations through the restoration initiatives. For herpetological species, the foothill yellow-legged frog and western pond turtle have been identified as important species on which to focus monitoring efforts due to their status as California state-listed Species of Concern. As a result, considerable prior effort has focused on understanding the distribution and demography of these species, both on the main Trinity River and on the South Fork Trinity River as a comparison population (potentially representing pre-dam population status). These studies have highlighted differences in life-history traits of each species between [...]


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Trinity RABO 2013-2017 Detections.csv 59.43 KB text/csv
Trinity RABO 2013-2017 EggMass.csv 67.64 KB text/csv
Trinity RABO 2013-2017 Oviposition.csv 26.38 KB text/csv
Trinity RABO 2013-2017 RABO_GRTS.csv 87.7 KB text/csv
Trinity RABO 2013-2017 SubHabitat.csv 235.02 KB text/csv


The purpose of this study is to develop robust, long-term monitoring protocols for both species, where the data collected will be consistent with the assumptions required for occupancy modeling, and to provide TRRP with straightforward metrics for monitoring the status and trends of these populations. Concurrently, population models will be developed based on historic data collection efforts complemented with new data that can be used to inform management decisions regarding impacts on these populations.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P90TZ3OF

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