The Second Cañon at water's edge. Thomas Moran seated on rocks. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. 1871.
Date Taken
Handwritten notes on back of photograph: W.H. Jackson 208. Thomas Moran seated at water's edge (12/15/1970 by Nell Carico, USGS). The Second Cañon. Plate 75 View of the Yellowstone, 1871. In USGS album First Canon to Yellowstone Lake. No. 208 missing from USGS albums in the National Archives. See stereo 421, 422, 423 (1871). No index card. Descriptive Catalog of the Photographs of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, W. H. Jackson, Photographer, Second Edition, Illustrated, 1871 Series, page 24, No. 208: The Second Cañon at the water's edge. On one side rise abrupt perpendicular walls of gneiss, and on the opposite side, less abrupt, are scattered a few cottonwoods among the mass of rocky debris affording pleasant [...]
Handwritten notes on back of photograph: W.H. Jackson 208. Thomas Moran seated at water's edge (12/15/1970 by Nell Carico, USGS). The Second Cañon. Plate 75 View of the Yellowstone, 1871. In USGS album First Canon to Yellowstone Lake. No. 208 missing from USGS albums in the National Archives. See stereo 421, 422, 423 (1871).
No index card.
Descriptive Catalog of the Photographs of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, W. H. Jackson, Photographer, Second Edition, Illustrated, 1871 Series, page 24, No. 208: The Second Cañon at the water's edge. On one side rise abrupt perpendicular walls of gneiss, and on the opposite side, less abrupt, are scattered a few cottonwoods among the mass of rocky debris affording pleasant shade for the fisherman, for the river in this neighborhood is most abundantly stocked with the largest and finest of trout.
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Descriptive catalogue of the photographs of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories for the years 1869 to 1875, inclusive: Miscellaneous publications - No. 5
Available in the U.S. Geological Survey Denver Library Photographic Collection, Jackson, W.H. Collection, 2016 DENPH0049.
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