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Final Report: Towards Effective Actionable Science 2019 Stakeholder Needs Assessment


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Arin Haverland, and Gregg Garfin, 2020-01-30, Final Report: Towards Effective Actionable Science 2019 Stakeholder Needs Assessment: .


In 2018, to help fulfill the Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center’s (SW CASC) mission of developing useful science products for natural resource managers, researchers conducted a rapid assessment of science and information needs of Southwest natural resource managers in Arizona, California, Nevada and Utah. Researchers assessed (a) stakeholder research, data and information needs, (b) communication and engagement preferences, (c) training and extension needs, and (d) identified partnership and collaboration barriers and opportunities.


Author :
Arin Haverland, Gregg Garfin
Funding Agency :
Southwest CASC

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StakeholderReport_Final.pdf 14.84 MB application/pdf


  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Southwest CASC

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