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Bryophyte Sampling Location


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Rehm, E.M., Thomas, M.K., Yelenik, S.G., Bouck, D.L., and D'Antonio, C.M., 2019, Hakalau Forest NWR Bryophyte and Seedling Data 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release:


This data release includes sampling locations for the coverage and composition of bryophytes, other ground cover and seedling abundance. All sites were within Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge on Hawaii Island. This study aims to evaluate the role of bryophytes in seedling recruitment and thus forest regeneration in different forest types. We compared bryophyte composition and coverage between tree species (Acacia koa and Metrosideros polymorpha) and forest types (intact forest and restoration forest) and then sampled native woody seedling recruitment in the bryophytes as well as other ground covers, such as leaf litter, bare soil, and exotic grass.


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Data were collected to ascertain whether bryophytes were important for native forest regeneration, and then whether bryophytes were returning naturally to restoration areas. This is part of a larger question about why passive restoration (natural regeneration without planting) is so slow in Acacia koa restoration forests. We had hypothesized that slow forest regeneration could be due at least in part to a lack of bryophyte coverage in restoration areas.



  • Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center



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